Thus waste and scrap processing is not just a social activity but it’s a requisite to survival. It will not be just to wait only for the government and other social organizations to take sole responsibility of clearing all this waste. Hence, if an economical angle is added to this activity where in the scrap and waste becomes the raw material and we are able to add some value, it will make for a profitable business proposition.
Today, when we think about factories of future with equal importance being given to environment and sustainability; being part of the recycling industry is one such business venture that balances all the aspects equally. Since there can never be dearth of supplies and raw material (i.e. waste), it is sustainable and in turn it will help clean the environment, preserve natural resources and save the ecology. More we grow, more scrap is generated. Hence for all times to come, waste and scrap recycling industry will always be relevant.
Today, many businesses are making wealth from waste and, in turn, saving the environment from devastation. The recycling industry is gaining importance by providing futuristic businesses. Among the 3 R’s of waste management – ‘Reduce’, ‘Reuse’, ‘Recycle’; we at Advance HydrauTech make machines for reducing or compacting the scrap. These include balers for metal, paper and plastic scrap, metal shredders, shearing machines and briquetting machines.Slowly, though, nations have started realizing that it is must to recycle waste and scrap in the modern world, still India’s recycling rate is just about 25%, which is far less than other recycling nations. In the US metals are recycled at a rate of 90% and in Europe the rate is about 70%.
The recycling industry in India is still in very nascent stage where most of it is unorganised and majority of waste is lying unaccounted for. This provides huge opportunity for future entrepreneurs to cash in by becoming a part of it either by way of a trader or by way of processor or ultimate consumer of the scrap and waste and help the nation both economically and environmentally by generating new and innovative business models. Another important opportunity lies in the fact that setting a business in this industry doesn’t require any concerns regarding geographical location, resource availability and other market forces as waste is generated everywhere.